Si te llama la atención Adobe Flex y te interesa aprenderlo pues que mejor que aprenderlo a base de videos. En el mismo sitio de adobe nos presentan un curso de flex en video donde podremos aprender flex en una semana. Los temas que hasta el momento han publicado son:
Dia 1: Flex básico
- Video: Comparing Flash, Flex, Flash Player and AIR (5:30)
- Video: Introducing Flex Builder (7:22)
- Video: Creating a Flex Builder workspace and project (7:04)
- Video: Using pre-built Flex controls (4:34)
- Video: Understanding MXML (4:07)
- Exercise: Creating a project and laying out controls (PDF, 827k)
- Video: Binding data between controls (5:48)
- Video: Handling user events (6:22)
- Video: Introducing the event object (10:40)
- Video: Adding EventListeners with ActionScript (5:21)
- Exercise: Binding data and handling a user event (PDF, 367k)
- Video: Retrieving data via HTTPService (8:26)
- Exercise: Populating a control from an HTTPService request (PDF, 512k)
(Download assets, ZIP, 17K)
Dia 2: Desarrollo de componentes
- Video: Displaying data in the DataGrid (6:35)
- Video: Working with containers (12:12)
- Exercise: Working with containers (PDF, 139k)
- Video: Creating custom MXML components (8:42)
- Exercise: Creating custom MXML components (PDF, 225k)
- Video: Implementing value object classes (13:46)
- Video: Creating custom events (5:59)
- Video: Creating custom event classes (23:06)
- Exercise: Creating custom events and dispatching Data (PDF, 332k)
- Video: Customizing item renderers (6:42)
- Exercise: Creating an item renderer (PDF, 123k)
- Video: Exploring Flex Builder tips (5:18)
Dia 3: Uniendo todo
- Video: Validating data (7:15)
- Exercise: Validating form data (PDF, 95k)
- Video: Requesting and sending data with RemoteObject (20:52)
- Exercise: Using RemoteObject to send data to the server (PDF, 496k)
(Download assets, ZIP, 22.1 MB) - Video: Formatting data (6:09)
- Video: Dragging data between List components (5:20)
- Exercise: Implementing drag and drop between components (PDF, 626k)
- Video: Filtering XML with E4X (12:04)
- Exercise: Using XML with E4X (PDF, 53k)
- Video: Deploying Flex and AIR applications (11:57)
- Exercise: Deploying a Flex application (PDF, 499k)
- Exercise: Creating and Deploying an AIR Application (PDF, 1.2M)
Los demás aun no los han publicado pero les recomiendo estar pendientes.
Enlace: Adobe: Flex in a week video training
Más de flex:
- Tutoriales de Flex Gratis
- Librerias de Flex y Flash open source